Thursday, January 27, 2011

Peace Sign

The first thing I think of is the 70's and all the crazy psychedelic colors. Its a iconic symbol that represents, to our generation, the relaxed ideals of the 'hippies' and getting along. No war and violence, basically. So the first thing that comes to mind is a rainbow of colors and the fashion statement its started, which is far from its original purpose.

So then I found this, basically a rainbowed flag with the original peace sign on it and just once word "peace" which describes the main purpose of this symbol. But from here I thought about not really a peace sign, but rainbows. And I always associate rainbows with unicorns, because that's something little girls always imagine, their dream world of unicorns and jumping over rainbows with them; or at least that was my childhood. Though now that I'm older, all I can think of is a horrible saying of unicorns farting rainbows and a game called Robot Unicorn Attack which is strangely addicting.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Symbols are one thing that stands for itself in a simpler form. They represent something whether that's a tv company, a store, a brand, or a person. Iconic symbols are easily recognized without a second thought, especially ones from our childhood. And one symbol I always remembered was the cartoon network symbol because I love to watch all the cartoons on that channel. It stand for not only the network but for the Powerpuff Girls, Dexters Laboratory, Pokemon, DBZ, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, and all the shows I watched as a kid.

Another iconic symbol that not only kids recognize, but adults from all over is that big yellow "M". These golden arches let people know that there is fast, and fattening, food near by. McDonald's is a happy place for any kid, like their signature Happy Meal. Simple symbols or letters even that stand for something you can recognize worldwide and bring the language gap.

Modern Hieroglyphs

When I think of hieroglyphs, the first thing that comes to my mind is a book I read called The Red Pyramid which deals with hieroglyphs in a modern way and made the old Egyptian style hieroglyphs useful.

Then for some reason that made me think of smileys and emotes which I have a tendency to over-use. They're like a hieroglyph of our generations because its like expressing an emotion in a few simple letters and numbers and symbols without really using words. And many adults are confused on what they stand for so its like they have to decipher it like a hieroglyph.

Monday, January 24, 2011


 The first thing thing hat comes to mind when I think of isotypes is road signs. Simple images that are easily recognizable. People have to be able to determine what they mean fast while they are driving because you don't have much time to sit there and read while paying attention to the road. The longer a persons eyes are off the road for reading a warning sign, the more dangerous. Isotypes are a helpful time saver for the road that gives a quick precise message.

Then from there I thought of those cute signs you buy for your door that signal people whether of not to come in. Like guard dog signs, which seem to be very popular.